LATE-NIGHT EDIT — Hey, y’all, sorry about the late arrival on this one. I use the scheduler to make sure I never miss a deadline, but, uh, turns out I can misclick the date and time when I tell it to post. I almost just let it go through tomorrow at 3:00 PM, but we haven’t missed a Friday yet, and that’s a streak worth continuing, I think.
Hey folks!
If you haven’t yet, log into Disney+ (or borrow it from someone, I’m not a cop) and watch Agatha All-Along. The MCU has been on a bit of a hit-or-miss streak lately, but they’ve shown signs of righting the ship, and the latest Disney+ show is genuinely unmissable. Even if they don’t end up continuing the story in *spoiler*, the nine episode “follow-up” to WandaVision is well-worth the price of admittance and the time it takes to binge it.
Next week is the launch of the latest Magic core experience, Foundations, and they’ve jampacked the set with plenty of goodies to grab your attention and hold it hopefully for all five years these cards are gonna be in-print.
I mean, come the heck on. I wasn’t gonna buy into this set much cuz, well, it’s gonna be around for five years, but look at that. How can I not pick up like, 12 of those.
Have something you want to share in our Community Showcase? Let us know by emailing or reaching out to the shop! We’d love to feature your work in a future newsletter!
BONUS EYG — Agatha All-Along Recap and Review
“I’m not crying, you’re crying,” — EYG’s review
Agatha All-Along bewitched millions this Halloween season, and local blog EmbraceYourGeekness was among them. Treat yourself to watching the 9 episode series before catching the recap and review, but stop back for the click once you’re all caught up!
Favorite Covers of the Week #26
New Comic Wall and Top 5 of the Week —
EDITOR’S NOTE — I wanted to call special attention to the recent launches of Absolute Batman and Absolute Wonder Woman as being both huge and full sell-outs. Both titles are exceptional and stand out above the rest of the DC books, which, along with the success of HBO’s The Penguin, bodes well for future releases.
Up next is Absolute Superman, and while there’s always a chance it falls short of the expectations set by the first two titles, there’s a pretty darn good shot it ends up dang spectacular and if you’re interested at all, please let us know to hold one for you ‘cuz it’s almost definitely gonna sell out day one.
It’ll come as no surprise to regular visitors to the shop, but we’ve been moving into Flesh and Blood in a big way as one of the key competitive card games we’re focusing on moving forward.
This week brings our biggest commitment yet with a massive restock of every in-print Flesh and Blood set, adding six new boosters to our pack dispenser, and loading up our shelf with plenty of fresh boxes for you to crack.
Flesh and Blood’s unique gameplay, genuinely reminiscent of the best fighting videogames, is fast, clean, and deep. The sense of discovery and growth as a player rivals the best games on the market, and tomorrow’s Five Year Anniversary marks a milestone few card games ever reach, especially with a community that is still growing and thriving.
Personally, I’ve fallen in love with the game despite not being very good at it yet. The gameplay is simple on the surface, but there are so many decisions and every one of them matters in a way that makes each match feel meaningful, complex, and, above all, fun.
Plus, the incredibly low cost-of-entry compared to similar games is so refreshing and it makes suggesting Flesh and Blood easier than ever in a time when other games are getting more expensive.
Stop by on Sunday to meet the community, and maybe snag a $12 deck or two to battle with of your own!
I may have jumped the starting pistol a teeny tiny bit (by a whole month) when I scheduled our Skirmish Season 10 event for Flesh and Blood, but have no fear, the LSS reached out to notify me of my error and we got the event rescheduled for the right day.
We’re also applying to host The Hunted prerelease, so stay tuned for more information about the next FAB set and how you can play it first at your Comic World!
Thanks for all the great updates